
Grain Regimen (25): Sword Bean

#Nourishing recipes #Deficiency-cold hiccups #Vomiting due to cold in the stomach #Runny nose #Lower back pain #Infantile intestinal hernia
#Wheezing cough #Kidney deficiency-related lower back pain #Lower back pain during pregnancy #Headaches #Intercostal neuralgia #Bruises
#Migraine headaches #Pertussis in children #Coughing in the elderly
#maniac  #Dietary therapy recipes #dietary

- Nature and Flavor: Sweet, neutral, non-toxic.
- Functions and Effects: Warming the middle burner, regulating Qi, promoting gastrointestinal health, relieving hiccups, inducing calmness. It is a nourishing food.
- Auxiliary Treatment: Useful for conditions such as deficiency-cold hiccups, vomiting due to cold in the stomach, runny nose, lower back pain, infantile intestinal hernia, wheezing cough, kidney deficiency-related lower back pain, headaches, intercostal neuralgia, bruises, and more.

- Dietary Therapy Recipes:

1) Deficiency-cold hiccups: Take 15-30 grams of unpeeled sword beans, add three slices of fresh ginger, decoct them in water, add an appropriate amount of rock sugar, and consume in 2-3 doses throughout the day.

2) Vomiting due to cold in the stomach: Take 30 grams of sword bean husks, decoct them in water, and add rock sugar. Consume in two doses daily.

3) Runny nose: Roast sword beans with husks until dark, grind them into a fine powder, and take 6 grams mixed with yellow rice wine.

4) Lower back pain: Take 15 grams each of sword bean pods and luffa stems (near the ground portion), burn them to ash, and mix with yellow rice wine. Consume in two divided doses daily.

5) Infantile intestinal hernia: Stir-fry dried sword bean seeds and grind them into a powder. Take 5 grams of the powder with boiling water.

6) Wheezing cough: Grind sword bean seeds into a fine powder, mix with white sugar, and cook in ginger soup. Take 3 grams of the mixture three times a day.

7) Kidney deficiency and pregnancy-related lower back pain: Take 30 grams of sword bean seeds with husks and cook them together with pork kidneys.

8) Headaches, intercostal neuralgia, and bruises: Roast large sword beans until well-cooked, grind them into a fine powder, and mix with warm yellow rice wine. Take 3 grams of the mixture 2-3 times a day.

9) Migraine headaches: Take 15 grams of sword bean roots, decoct them in yellow rice wine, and consume.

10) Pertussis in children and coughing in the elderly: Decoct 15 grams of sword bean seeds, remove the residue, and add an appropriate amount of rock sugar or honey for consumption.

11) Mania: Take 30 grams each of sword bean powder and rice flour, burn them to ash, and take 6 grams of the resulting mixture. Mix it thoroughly with warm water and consume 3 grams twice during the day and once at night. If it proves effective initially and helps induce sleep, it is considered effective. This ancient formula is known as "Bai Long San."

Please note that the translations provided are approximate and may vary in different contexts.
Please note that this information is related to traditional Chinese medicine and its uses. The translation provided is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult a healthcare professional before using any herbs or treatments for medical purposes.

The "Food and Wellness Series" includes commonly used medicinal foods such as grains, fruits, vegetables, meats, poultry, seafood, and seasonings. For each type of food, we provide detailed information on its taste, effects, and discuss its application in complementary treatment and dietary therapy.

Furthermore, based on recipe types, we categorize them into porridge, pastry and noodles, vegetarian dishes, meat dishes, poultry dishes, seafood dishes, and egg and soup dishes. This classification allows readers to easily find relevant recipes according to their needs.

(Disclaimer: The content of this video is only for the exchange of health knowledge and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a professional doctor before using diet therapy.)

