
Grain regimen (27): Adzuki Beans (red beans)

#DietaryTherapyRecipes#TonifyingFormula #AdzukiBeans #Nephritis #Edema #MalnutritionInducedEdema #AscitesCausedByLiverCirrhosis #LowerLimbErysipelas #HeatStranguria #Hematuria #PostpartumInsufficientLactation #IronDeficiencyAnemia #DietaryTherapy
Adzuki Beans (red beans)
• Nature and Flavor: Sweet, sour, neutral, and non-toxic.
• Functions and Effects: Diuretic, reduces swelling, relieves inflammation, and invigorates the spleen and stomach.
• Auxiliary Treatment: Edema, erysipelas, gonorrhea, postpartum insufficient lactation, iron-deficiency anemia, and can be used externally for abscesses.
• Dietary Therapy Recipes:

1. For nephritis-induced edema and malnutrition-induced foot swelling: Take 60-90 grams of adzuki beans, 250-500 grams of winter melon, decoct them, and consume the decoction.
2. For ascites caused by liver cirrhosis: Take 500 grams of adzuki beans, one carp weighing over 500 grams, add 300 milliliters of water, simmer until the adzuki beans are fully cooked, and consume it in divided doses, including the soup, within one day or alternating days.
3. For lower limb erysipelas: Take 15 grams of adzuki beans, 10 grams each of ox knee and coptis, decoct them in water, and take the decoction.
4. For heat stranguria and hematuria: Slowly stir-fry 250 grams of adzuki beans until powdered, stew one scallion, crush it, mix it with alcohol, and take 20 grams each time.
5. For postpartum insufficient lactation: Take 50 grams of adzuki beans and cook them into porridge for consumption.
6. For iron-deficiency anemia: Take 50 grams of adzuki beans, 10 jujubes, and 25 grams of longan flesh, cook them together until the beans are fully cooked, and consume it along with the soup once a day.
Please note that this information is related to traditional Chinese medicine and its uses. The translation provided is for informational purposes only and should not replace professional medical advice. Always consult a healthcare professional before using any herbs or treatments for medical purposes.

The "Food and Wellness Series" includes commonly used medicinal foods such as grains, fruits, vegetables, meats, poultry, seafood, and seasonings. For each type of food, we provide detailed information on its taste, effects, and discuss its application in complementary treatment and dietary therapy.

Furthermore, based on recipe types, we categorize them into porridge, pastry and noodles, vegetarian dishes, meat dishes, poultry dishes, seafood dishes, and egg and soup dishes. This classification allows readers to easily find relevant recipes according to their needs.

(Disclaimer: The content of this video is only for the exchange of health knowledge and does not constitute medical advice. Please consult a professional doctor before using diet therapy.)


Silken Tofu Series (12) : Minced Meat Silken Tofu

#Silken Tofu Series #Minced Meat Silken Tofu #Silken Tofu Recipe #Cooking Recipe #Food Video #Tofu #Recipe #Silken Tofu
-188 grams of silken tofu,
-9 grams of minced ham
-6 egg whites
-9 grams of diced rehydrated shiitake mushrooms
-125 grams of clear broth
-94 grams of milk
-1 gram of minced scallions and ginger
-16 grams of cornstarch
-94 grams of minced pork tenderloin
-6 grams of cooking wine
-500 grams of lard (63 grams consumed)
-9 grams of green peas
-2 grams of salt.

- Cooking Steps:
1. Add the silken tofu to a mixture of 4 egg whites, milk, and 1 gram of salt. Stir well. Steam the mixture over low heat for twenty minutes in a steamer basket. After steaming, cut the tofu into diamond-shaped pieces using a small knife.
2. Place the minced pork tenderloin in a bowl and add 3 grams of cooking wine, 1 gram of salt. Mix well. Then add 2 egg whites and 9 grams of cornstarch to form a batter. Slide the mixture into oil heated to around 180°C and cook until done. Remove and drain the excess oil.
3. In a frying pan, add lard and sauté the minced scallions and ginger until fragrant. Pour in 3 grams of cooking wine, followed by clear broth, minced ham, green peas, diced rehydrated shiitake mushrooms, and a suitable amount of salt (1 gram). Bring to a boil. Thicken the sauce with 6 grams of cornstarch dissolved in water, then add the minced meat and mix well. Drizzle with sesame oil and pour the sauce over the tofu.

- Characteristics: This dish features silken tofu that is as white as snow, with vibrant and appealing colors. The minced meat is extremely tender, flavorful, and has a refreshing texture. It is a high-quality dish, considered a gourmet delicacy.

(Do not forget that cooking is an art, and enjoying the process is more important than the result. We wish you a pleasant experience and the creation of delicious honey-glazed silken tofu soup! Please remember that this program is for reference purposes only, so please exercise caution when actually preparing the dish. The content of this video is for reference only. If you have specific health issues or are on long-term medication, consult a doctor before trying new food methods.)

This is the first series (Silken Tofu) among hundreds of tofu recipes. We also have different categories of tofu recipes such as tofu series, tofu puree with colorful vegetables series, dried tofu series, thousand-layer tofu skin series, tofu skin series, and more.

Silken Tofu Preparation Method:
• Soak the soybeans in water until they swell, then rinse them clean.
• Grind the soaked soybeans with water until it becomes a fine slurry. Filter out the residue with a cloth bag to obtain soy milk.
• In another container, dissolve the cooked gypsum powder in water. Transfer the soy milk into a wooden barrel, heat it, and pour it into the gypsum water. Cover the barrel and let it sit for about ten minutes until it solidifies into silken tofu.

Every 100 grams of silken tofu contains 5.3 grams of protein, 1.9 grams of fat, 1 gram of carbohydrates, 42 kilocalories of energy, 20 milligrams of sodium, 56 milligrams of phosphorus, 0.6 milligrams of iron, 0.04 milligrams of vitamin B1, 0.2 milligrams of vitamin B6, and 0.03 milligrams of vitamin B2.
Silken tofu can be cooked in various dishes using methods such as boiling, braising, steaming, stewing, and honey glazing. It is easily absorbed by the human body, with a digestion rate of over 90%.